Thursday, April 28, 2011


Beggar are very common.They can be seen every where.They found in the streets, market places, at mosque , historical  places, railway platforms , road side and in parks. begging has become  a profession. There are some beggars by birth. But some beg because of necessity.
A beggar is a poor man. He goes about begging for food, clothes and money.There are many beggars who are disabled and handicapped. we should take pity on them. They really deserve our help and charity. we should help a beggar if he is blind , lame or handicapped. 
   Begging is really a course . It is a pity that there are beggars in our country . They are lazy people. They do not want to work . They find to easy to make a living by begging . Therefore ,they do not want change their profession. A street beggar is an object of pity. He is a dirty and in rags.His  body is covered with dust or ashes.He many pretend to be blind or lame. He tries to arouse pity in the people by various tricks. They are clever and cheat the public. They should be discouraged . They spoil the image or our country. Begging should be banned   

1 comment:

  1. Pakistan can solve this problem but unfortunately we are the sleepy Nation we cant wake up in simple words we dont want to change our system
