Friday, February 25, 2011

Reminiscing about my childhood freind

When  i was 14 years old , i had a friend named hira , hira and her family lived a block down the street from our house . this was a predominantly white ,conservative neighborhood in asuburbon community,hira was a normal 14 year old just like my other friends at achool. she was not ugly ,but not pretty either .she was not dumb but was not smart just an ordinary girl in evry sense ,except for one aspect .hira has this extra ordinary ability to talk in rhymes for as long as she wanted .she didnot just say rhymes ,but spoke them as if she were singing .hira has a differnt atitude becouse she always sings the clasical music in new style it was so funny but amazing .when we were 17 years hira moved her family Islamabad .so thay shifted over their .Now any time when i listen remix of old song by lady singer   i wish she can be my hira .
                                    ( MAKE NEW FRIENDS BUT NEVER FORGET OLDS
                                      NEW IS SILVER BUT OLD IS GOLD)